Saturday, February 7, 2009

American Idol Surprise!

Well we kinda fell off of the face of the earth for a few months, but we're back with avengence! We love American Idol and decided to continue in the same vein as Reality Check (our former big brother/american idol podcast w/angie). So here's our first episode of Kimmer and Laquat: American Idol 8. Enjoy!

American Idol 8 Episode 1!

Make sure to tell us what you think of Kara and which contestants you love/loathe!


Randi said...

I'm so happy to have you guys back dishing on American Idol.

A few things:

1) I love Guinness. :)

2) Adam Lambert! I love him. He was the understudy for Fiyero in Wicked in Hollywood...which I saw. He's amazingly talented and pretty handsome under the makeup. I think he's used to singing on stage with stage mics, not singing with musician mics. May explain his loud voice.

3) I love Anoop Desai.

4) I think Kara is hilarious and great. I love a lot of her songs (that she wrote) and I think she's a great addition.

5) Dry wine works better with food than by itself. It doesn't overshadow the flavors of food.

6) Did I mention that I am happy you girls are back? :)

Hope to hear from you all again soon!!

Kim said...

Just realized that I posted my predictions yesterday on the PCS and Reality Check blogs but not here. This is what I said:

Hello people! I know we said we were going to do a podcast in between the episodes this week, but I opened my fat mouth before I realized I worked second shift on Tuesday and Laura had interviews on Wednesday.

So I just got done watching Tuesday's episode and wanted to make my short predictions which you will hear in full on the podcast we record this evening. Then I'll watch yesterday's episode and see if I'm right.

Don't worry Randi, I think Adam Lambert will get through. He looks like a Fiyero.
-Matt Giraud
-Anoop Desai (is enjoyable)
-Scott the blind guy
-Lil Rounds
-Tatiana the freak show will get into the top 36 because it's like bringing the horror of auditions to Hollywood.
-Steven Fowler totally bombed and still made it through, so I bet we'll see him again.
-Norman Gentle for the same reasons as Tatiana, except he's faking.
-Anne Maria Boscovich
-Oil Rigger Man is gold.
-Milwaukee boys because people love a best friends story and they don't suck that bad. But if only one gets through, it'll be Danny.

I haven't figured out yet how to post on this blog regularly, so I have to comment instead. You'll just have to take my word for it that these predictions are backdated. I can't help that I'm awesome.